

This slower practice emphasizes a balance of postural alignment and breathing techniques to stretch and strengthen your body.

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  • Movement & Stillness (50 min) - with Rebecca Hollingworth

    Find a balance of movement, expression, and creativity with sweet stillness. This Hatha Yoga-inspired class is a 50-minute practice that encourages both movement and slowing down. Nourish your nervous system by tuning in to what feels good for you.

  • Mindful Hatha (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a quick Hatha Yoga practice. In this class, Lisa offers you the space to just be. Notice your thoughts and breath into them. Send yourself love, compassion, and let go of what no longer serves you.

  • Warrior 3 Hatha Yoga (50 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a Hatha Yoga practice. This class works toward Warrior 3 pose. This pose contains hip-flexor opening, balance, and a strong midline/core focus. To help with balance, have some yoga blocks (or sturdy books, water bottles, etc) close by.

  • Twisted Hatha (35 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Let's get twisting! This class is all about spinal rotation. Join Jayme and move mindfully waking up the body and opening the hips. You can expect a number of different twisting postures in this practice. We suggest have a strap and yoga blocks close by in case you need some additional support or...

  • Accessible Hatha Yoga (35 min) - with Rebecca Hollingworth

    This is an all-levels yoga class. It's great for practitioners who are new to yoga, or for anyone who wants to come back to their foundations and hear some really clear cues. You can expect to move gently and mindfully, with lots of options and modifications to make it feel good for you.

    Props: ...

  • Hatha for Low Back Pain (30 min) - with Aaliya Noorani

    Join Aaliya for a 30-minute Hatha Yoga practice. This class focuses on alleviating lower back pain. Back pain is something many of us experience. Whether it's sitting for long periods of time, over-exerting your back during exercise, or any number of other combinations, certain yoga poses can hel...

  • Hatha Yoga: Root to Rise (55 min) - with Alison Klektau

    Join Alison for a 55-minute Hatha Yoga practice. This class focuses on stability. As we create a strong foundation, we feel more stable and secure in our standing postures. Working on stability also can create more space for us to open into.

    Alison recommends having one or two yoga blocks if yo...

  • Hatha for Tension Release (40 min) - Hillary Keegan

    This is a tension-releasing class with Hillary. This yoga practice will help release tension both in your physical body, and anything mentally you are holding onto. The physical part of this class is a feel-good Hatha Yoga class, so take it easy and listen to what feels good for you.

  • Hatha Yoga for Every Body (30 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Welcome to an all levels Hatha class that that's only 30 minutes. This is a great class for students who are new to yoga and are looking to build their foundations. You can expect longer holds, mindful movement, and intentional cueing in this class.

  • Hatha Yoga for Positivity (35 min) - with Heather Obre

    Bring positivity into your day with Heather. This class focuses on positive and kind thoughts to ourselves and to others. So often, we get caught in a negative loop of emotions and self-talk. Heather helps us strengthen that "positive thought" muscle to help us choose optimism rather than falling...

  • Knee Friendly Yoga (45 min) - with Hillary Keegan

    Join Hillary for a knee-friendly yoga class. This is a dynamic class that includes a lot of mindful attention to the knees, as well as modification suggestions you can use in other yoga classes, to make them more knee-friendly.

    No props are required but have a yoga block nearby if you need it. ...

  • Hatha Yoga For Stress Release (35 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a stress-relieving Hatha class. This is a short, 35-minute class that includes gentle movement, sound bowls, and chanting. Hatha yoga is a form of yoga that includes longer-held postures.

    Heather dedicates this practice to the people in the world experiencing times of great pai...

  • Hatha Yoga For Every Body (60 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this all-levels Hatha Yoga practice. This class encourages you to listen to your body and honour where you are at. Every body is different, and you can honour that by modifying or changing positions based on what feels right in your body. Yoga is about stilling the mind and connecti...

  • Mindful Hatha Yoga (45 min) - with Hillary Keegan

    Get into your body, shut everything else out, and move with Hillary. This feel-good Hatha Yoga practice is all levels friendly and is meant to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Hillary brings in her singing bowl to add a special element of vibration to this class.

    No props are required for t...

  • Quick Yoga Tune-Up (35 min) - with Jasmina Egeler

    "Give yourself the gift of your own attention".

    Join Jasmina for a 35 minute Hatha Yoga class. This "mini tune-up" yoga class is a feel-good practice to pay attention to your physical body. How does it feel? How is it positioned against the mat or moving in space? Make a commitment to tune into...

  • Peaceful Gentle Hatha (30 min) - with Aaliya Noorani

    Welcome to a Hatha practice with Aaliya. This gentle and peaceful class is perfect to do when you are looking for mindful movement that is easy on the body. It includes connection to the breath, opportunities to modify, and gentle poses to open the body.

    "Om, shanti, shanti, shanti" or "om, peac...

  • Hatha for Shoulders (40 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a 40 minute Hatha Yoga practice all about the shoulders. This class will both open the shoulders, and stabilize them, with strong, held postures. Jayme suggests having a yoga strap (or robe tie, belt, scarf) close by to help open the shoulders in some of the poses.

    This is an all...

  • Morning Hatha for Beginners (30 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a short, beginner-friendly Hatha Yoga class. Hatha Yoga is a slower form of yoga with longer holds. This allows us to really listen to alignment cues from Jayme, open our bodies up, and build strength.

    Helpful Props: 2 yoga blocks (or water bottles, large books), and a chip foam b...

  • Shoulder Love Hatha (45 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a Hatha Yoga class dedicated to the shoulders. This class uses slow, controlled movement to stabilize the shoulders as well as help with more mobility.

    Props: Please have a yoga strap (or robe tie, scarf, etc) and two blocks or books (if you need them). Jayme also utilizes the wa...

  • Hatha Yoga for All Levels (35 min) - with Hillary Keegan

    Join Hillary for a short and sweet Hatha Yoga class. This is an all-levels practice, perfect for folks newer to yoga or for long-time yogis wanting to get back to build on their foundations. There is always room to modify or add on, depending on your practice and how your body feels.

    Hatha yoga...

  • Heart Opening Hatha (45 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a heart-opening Hatha Yoga class. This 45-minute class is a full front body opening class that includes backbends and builds to wheel pose. It's a great class to do to counter the effects of sitting or working at a computer for long periods of time. This class is all levels frien...

  • Hatha & Seasonal Intention Setting (30 min) - with Aaliya Noorani

    Join Aaliya for a 30 minute Hatha Yoga class, with a special focus on seasonal intention setting. This is an all-level practice that includes longer-held postures, clear cues, and mindful moments.

    Optional Props: 2 blocks (or books)

  • Heartfelt Hatha & Chanting (60 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a very thoughtful, special Hatha class. This class includes so much more than just movement. Heather will take us through powerful chanting, poetic readings, mindful mantras, and Hatha Yoga movement. Her kind, empathetic nature shines through in this video, and it is truly an hou...

  • Hatha for Hope (40 min) - with Hillary Keegan

    Join Hillary in a moving and soul-soothing practice - Hatha for Hope. This 40-minute class includes sound bowls and chimes, as well as hopeful affirmations and mindful movement. It is an all-levels class that requires no props - just you and the present moment.
    Hillary says, "there's something r...