

Prepare to sweat! Build strength and balance through a dynamic and challenging sequence of postures.

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  • All Levels Accessible Power Yoga (60 min) - with Deb Cehak (Purcell)

    This accessible, all levels class is well-rounded, full body and a great introduction to Power. Power builds strength and endurance through a challenging sequence of grounding postures with longer holds.

  • Powerful Morning Power (45 min) - with Samaneh Asgharzadeh

    A challenging full body power practice. At 45 min, the perfect before-work class or mid-day break.

  • Dynamic Fast Paced Power Flow (50 min) - with Connor Roff

    A strong power flow practice that will be fast paced and dynamic.

  • Power Flow for Presence (50 min) - with Jasmina Egeler

    Create a grounding energy and work on your presence with a powerful flow featuring long holds (Jasmina's favourite!).

  • Power of Dharma (60 min) - with Crystal Rainbow Borrelli

    A spicy power class inspired by the Vedas, Dharma being one of them - which is about how we connect to our path and purpose.

    Expect bow shapes, twists and lots of breath.

  • Intermediate Power & Play (45 min) - with Deb Purcell

    Join Deb for an intermediate Power Yoga practice. This is a spicy Vinyasa Flow that is all about having fun in your practice and exploring new shapes. This could mean adding in a bind, an arm balance, an inversion, or anything else you feel called to do. You can expect to move dynamically with yo...

  • Dynamic Core Power (45 min) - with Connor Roff

    Join Connor for a fun & fiery core yoga practice. This is a 45-minute class that includes the use of a block (or pillow/book) and a special focus on strengthening and igniting the core muscles.

  • Power Yoga Rinse (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen for a 30-minute Power yoga class. Stephen's invitation to you today is to follow your breath and enjoy the flow. This is a speedy and dynamic vinyasa class great for any time of the day.

  • Power Yoga Break (45 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a Power Yoga break! This class is meant to get you moving mid-day when you need to get your body moving and take a break from all of the sitting so many of us do. Prepare to sweat and let's get moving!

  • Power & Play (60 min) - with Alison Klektau

    Join Alison for a fun & playful Power Yoga class. The heart of this class is getting out of your head and into your body. It's all about having fun with your practice and not taking it too seriously! You can modify and change this class to be exactly what feels good for you so you can enjoy this ...

  • Strength & Uprising (35 min) - with Sarah Fuson

    Join Sarah for a 35-minute Vinyasa Flow class. This strength and uprising class will focus on finding stability and rooting into the floor to find strength in your body. Have any props you need for this class and move with your breath.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5u7UisxW7c2filfR...

  • Resist Twist Power (65 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Know yourself and be transformed — that’s the promise of yoga. This class is an opportunity for you to spend some time on yourself, for yourself, and with yourself. In this class, you’ll turn in, twist, and learn more about how you move. You’ll practice separating turning your hips from twisting ...

  • Quick Core Power (30 min) - with Kyra Morrison

    Join Kyra for a power-core yoga sequence. This class will have some Pilates-inspired movements and will focus on building heat as well as strengthening the core. No props are required for this class.

  • Firefly Power Flow (75 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a 75-minute Power Yoga class. This class is all about opening up, educating the body, and preparing to finally arrive at our peak pose, Firefly (tittibhasana). Firefly pose is a more advanced arm balance, but Jayme will offer multiple variations if the Firefly pose isn't right in y...

  • Powerful Flow (45 min) - with Alia Mai

    This yoga class is accompanied by light music.

    Join Alia for a powerful 45-minute practice filled with breath, movement and alignment. Dynamically heat the body starting by activating the core and stabilizing muscles. Strengthen glutes and arms for a full body, mindful workout.

  • Power for Mind-Body Connection (60 min) - with Jasmina Egeler

    Connect your mind and body in this 60-minute Power Yoga practice. Expect some intensity and fire that we will create through long holds of the poses. When we sit in a place of discomfort (not pain), our mind starts running wild. Can you sit in the intensity and breath through it, calming your min...

  • 360 Core Power (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    What requires more often has more to offer. This 30-minute practice is packed with power poses and dynamic movements that require more. In return, it will fire up your core so that you can create capacity for more. We start with a few Sun Salutations to warm up and then jump right into a full 360...

  • Stabilizing Power Yoga (50 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Destabilize to Stabilise: When you stand in Vrksasana (Tree Pose) and start to wobble, this is your support muscles turning off and on. Each time they turn on it's a chance to build more strength so that one day you can stand more steadily. In this practice, we take that idea and apply it to diff...

  • Power & Chill (55 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a Power Yoga & Meditation class.

    This is a dynamic class with lots of flowing movement synchronized with the breath. This yoga class saves extra time in the end for an extended, guided meditation.

  • Rinse & Twist Power (50 min) - with Crystal Rainbow Borelli

    Join Crystal for a 50-minute Power Yoga practice. This class focuses on stretching & opening up the hips as well as lots of twisting postures. Crystal calls the core the "house of the soul" and equates twisting to a "purification or rinsing" to move stuck energy up to the heart.

  • Half Moon Power-Flow (45 min) - with Mikaela Millington

    Join Mikaela for a fun and fiery Power Flow class. You can expect to move dynamically, flow with your breath, and build heat in the body. Mikaela suggests having a block close by for "Half Moon" pose to help achieve optimal alignment.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6hSe6hEkqRcDruiKJ...

  • Power-Flow Vinyasa (45 min) - with Jasmina Egeler

    Join Jasmina for a 45-minute Power Yoga class. There is no time wasted in this class and is perfect for those who want to make the most of 45 minutes of yoga. This is a dynamic class that flows with the breath, wakes the body, and opens you up.

    No props are required.

  • Flying Pigeon Power (65 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme and soar! This 60 minute Power Yoga practice leads to Eka Pada Galavasana (Flying Pigeon) by preparing the body with functional movement. You’ll create space in your hips, strengthen your core, and build a strong foundation through key actions that will help you with this as well as ma...

  • Power Core Flow (75 min) - with Vanessa Bourget

    Join Vanessa for a strong, 75-minute Power-Flow class. This is a more intermediate playful ab + core conditioning flow that builds toward optional arm balances. Challenge yourself, break a sweat, and move with your breath in this dynamic yoga class.

    Optional props: a yoga block